How to deploy Netweaver 7.52 SPS04 Developer Edition


NetWeaver SAP

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To try out SAP's ABAP and NetWeaver features

I want to create a Sandbox environment, but when I actually try to create it

It takes time and requires a license, which is difficult.

In such a case, use the Developer Edition provided by SAP.

Let's use it.

See the Developer Edition site for licenses

You can register for free

Docker also automates setup

Because it is prepared

It is much easier to build than building an environment from scratch.

This time about how to build NetWeaver Developer Edition

to introduce.

Target readers

Since you can get the Trial environment of NetWeaver,

Not to mention BASIS

You can also code and test ABAP, so

Also for application areas such as FI, SD, MM

I think it will be useful.

Also, how to install the Developer Edition of NetWeaver

There are some articles I introduced, but

If you execute it as it is, the following error will occur.

id=syslib.filesystem.aclSetSucceeded CIaOsFile::chmod_impl(3,0755) Authorizations set for /sybase/NPL/startase_reset_sa.
Don't get an error in this article
It also describes workarounds.
Introduced this time as of 2022/12/13
The installation is successful by the method.

System configuration

If you build with the procedure introduced this time
It has the following configuration.

NetWeaver 7.52 SPS04
Sybase ASE 16.0.2
OpenSuse / leap: latest
Docker Desktop
Windows 10

Preparation of installation media

The NetWeaver installation media can be downloaded from the following.

When building NetWeaver 7.52

Download all the files below.

You will need a free account to download, so

Let's create it at this timing.

Installation procedure

Docker Desktop installation

If the following screen is displayed immediately after installation,

Jump to the displayed link and Download the wsl update program from the link below.

Run the downloaded wsl_update_x64.exe.

Click Restart below when the update is complete.

This completes the Docker Desktop setup.

git install

I will omit the detailed procedure.

7-Zip installation

I will omit the detailed procedure.

Construction procedure

git clone

Clone the git repository with the command below.

git clone

When the clone is complete,
The folder will be created.

Create a folder called.

Extract rar file

Extract the downloaded rar files using 7-Zip

Select TD752SP04part01.rar and extract it.

The extraction destination is under the folder cloned with git earlier
F: \ sap-nw-abap-trial-docker-windows \ sapdownloads \
Expand to.

Next, expand License.rar as well.
The final path should be as follows.

"F: \ sap-nw-abap-trial-docker-windows \ sapdownloads \ server \ TAR \ x86_64 \ SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive \ SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic"

Fix "F: \ sap-nw-abap-trial-docker-windows \ sapdownloads \"

After extracting rar, a file called is created, but
If you proceed with the setup as it is, an error will occur.
to correct.

Before correction:
Lines 882-886
    ./saphostexec -install || do_exit $ERR_install_saphost

    # TODO: is it ok to remove /tmp/hostctrl?
    cd /
    rm -rf /tmp/hostctrl || log_echo "Failed to clean up temporary directory"
#Replace this line with one which tries to continue (this) main script using ‘&’:
    #./saphostexec -install || do_exit $ERR_install_saphost
    ./saphostexec -install &

#Wait for a while so that hopefully the asynchronous call ends:
    log_echo "Waiting 30 seconds for asynchronous call to /tmp/hostctrl/saphostexec -install to complete..."
    sleep 30
    log_echo "30 seconds are up, continuing the main script."

    # TODO: is it ok to remove /tmp/hostctrl?
    cd /
#Let's not remove the temporary directory, in case saphostexec command
#is still executing. So commenting out:
    # rm -rf /tmp/hostctrl || log_echo "Failed to clean up temporary directory"

# Now we modify the RUN_NPL executable (executable permissions are for sybnpl user):
if test -f "$FILENPL"; then
    echo "$FILENPL exists. Adding the -T11889 option to config in that file:"
    sed -i 's/NPL.cfg \\/NPL.cfg -T11889 \\/g' /sybase/NPL/ASE-16_0/install/RUN_NPL
    cat $FILENPL
    echo "-T11889 config option added"
    sleep 15
    echo "$FILENPL does not exist. Not modifying what doesn’t exist, ontologically seems ok."

Start Docker container

At the command prompt, do the following.

cd to the git cloned folder.

docker build -t nwabap: 7.52.

Wait about 30 minutes.

After building, do the following:

wsl -d docker-desktop
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count = 1000000

After this, it's finally time to start the docker container.
Enter the following command.

docker run --privileged -p 8000: 8000 -p 44300: 44300 -p 3300: 3300 -p 3200: 3200 -h vhcalnplci --name nwabap752 -it nwabap: 7.52 /bin/bash

When you see the following, select Allow Access.

Execute the following at the command prompt on the container.
chmod u+s /bin/ping
When the screen below appears, press Ctrl + C to exit More.

You will be asked if you agree to the license terms
Answer yes.

Next created during installation
You will be asked for the password of the OS user, so
And so on twice.

After inputting so far, wait for about 30 minutes.

When the installation is completed, the following message will be displayed.


PVアクセスランキング にほんブログ村




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